
Membership Process

To apply for membership, please download the Membership Application and fill it out. You can either mail it to

Ipswich Fish and Game Association
PO Box 55
Ipswich, MA 01938 

or bring to a monthly membership meeting. Meetings are typically held the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Club House. Click here see the next scheduled meeting. Prospective members are required to attend two monthly membership meetings in order to be voted in as a member.

Guests of members are welcome at the IFGA.  Members are responsible for their guests and must accompany them at all times.  Guests must display a guest pass provided to them by the member.  Also, guests need to sign and turn in an IFGA Guest release form.  A Guest Release deposit box is provided at the IFGA club house to the left of the front door.

The releases are available in prominent places at the club or can be downloaded and printed.  Members and guests are encouraged to download and print the form ahead of time.

IFGA Guest release form. 

Current, renewing members may download the renewal form here:

Application for Renewal

Ipswich Fish and Game Association provides three levels of membership (Individual, Family and Youth). Please see below for the dues schedule and other important information.

  • Individual – $125 per year
  • Family – $150 per year
  • Youth – $10.00
  • New members are subject to an initiation fee of $150.00
  • The membership year is from April to March
  • You may join at any time during the year. Dues will be prorated based on the date of application.

Membership downloads:

Membership Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • I want to become a member. What are my next steps?
    You should download the membership application and complete it. Most people will want to bring it to the next meeting and finish completing it at the meeting to ensure that they are paying the correct fees.
    Our members meetings are typically on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. Days and times will sometimes vary, depending on holidays or external factors. See our calendar of events for the next meeting.

    Follow us on Facebook for the most up to date communications about meetings and other events.

  • When may I start using the ranges at the IFGA?
    See the “Ranges orientation” section of this FAQ.
  • Ranges orientation. What is it? May I attend it before I have my ID? After the ranges orientation may I use the ranges right away?
    Everyone should complete the orientation process in order to make sure everyone knows the rules and etiquette at the IFGA. We hold the in-person orientation every month. See our calendar of events for the next scheduled session. It is typically on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00. See our Facebook page for last minute updates to the schedule. Orientation Course Info (PDF)
  • Those that have completed this orientation have a “Ranges” stripe added to their ID. Only those with the stripe printed on their ID may use the ranges on their own. Without it you must be accompanied by someone that has a “Ranges” stripe while using any ranges.

    You must have an ID and a Ranges stripe on your ID before you can use any of the ranges at the IFGA. If you have an ID without a stipe but have recently attended the Ranges orientation, we can add the stripe at the next meeting of the membership.

  • My ID does not have a Ranges stripe. I have recently taken the Ranges orientation. How do I get an ID with a stripe?
    Don’t worry, we can add a stipe to your ID after the fact if you miss the first available orientation. Attend a monthly meeting of the membership and after the meeting we take care of ID maintenance needs, including adding stripes where needed.

  • I sent in my membership application with my payment. What next?
    All prospective members must attend at least one meeting of the membership to introduce themselves to the membership. Your membership process does not begin until then.

    Our members meetings are typically on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. Days and times will sometimes vary, depending on holidays or external factors. See our calendar of events for the next meeting.

    Follow us on Facebook for the most up to date communications about meetings and other events.

  • I need to begin the membership ID process. How do I get a photo to you?
    See this PDF of the ID process.

  • How do I calculate my membership fee?
    The total fee is a combination of the prorated portion of the annual membership plus an initiation fee plus any one-time purchases of guest passes.

    The initiation fee is always $150. It is payable by new members or prior members that have let their membership lapse.

    Membership always renews in April, regardless of when you joined the club. When you join the IFGA you pay a prorated portion of the remaining membership year. See the membership rates table on the membership application for the exact portion of the membership fee that you will need to pay.

  • How long is my membership good for?
    The membership year is from April 1st to March 31st. One year.

    New members should know that regardless of when you joined you will need to renew with all existing members in time for April 1st. You will not need to pay the initiation fee again, but you will pay for a full membership year at this time.

  • I joined the IFGA a few months ago. Why do I have to pay for a membership year so soon?
    Our membership year is always April to March. All members must renew each April, regardless of when they joined.

  • I am renewing late. How much do I owe?
    Before August 1st: Calculate your renewal fees as though you are not renewing late then add your late fee. You should use the standard renewal form which includes the late fee schedule.

    After August 1st: Your membership has expired. You may reapply as a returning member. You will need to pay the full initiation fee and your prorated annual membership rate. You should use the standard new member kit to re-apply.
  • What is a “Contributing Member”?
    A contributing member is someone who donates time or services to the club. It can be in the form of volunteer staffing at a club social event, participating in a work event, being an active member in a committee or donating a vocation, either trade or professional. Examples of these are:
    – Participating in the Spring or Fall cleanup.
    – Property maintenance, such as landscaping.
    – Assisting with special events
    – Being an active member of a committee
    – Contributing legal services to the club.
  • How do I claim my Contributing Member discount?
    When you renew your membership, as a member that is currently in good standing, either provide a copy of any proof, such as a work party card, a copy of an e-mail, a reference to a person or persons that can confirm your participation or a mention of the committee that you are an active member of.
  • I was a member and I let my membership lapse, or my membership expired. How do I rejoin the club?
    Welcome back! You do not need to complete the reading process again. You need only pay the initiation fee and the appropriate membership fee for when you rejoin, as if you were a first-time member. Use the Membership Application, linked above, and not the Renewal Application. Be sure to indicate on the membership application that you are a returning member and include your original membership number. It is best if you attend a membership meeting to submit your application and feee. Please Note:  If your lapse in membership was due to active service deployment please reach out to the directors as you may not need to pay initiation fee.

    Depending on how long ago you let your membership lapse you may need to get a new membership ID and/or attend the “Ranges Orientation” session on the 3rd Monday of the month. If you still have your membership ID with your photo on it, you are most likely able to simply have that same ID reactivated, making the whole process for you that much faster.

  • Do guest passes expire or need to be renewed?
    Guest passes are good for the life of your membership. They do not expire.

  • How many guest passes may I have?
    Technically you may have as many as you like. However, each member is limited to having 3 guests on the grounds at any given time. If you have a family membership, each family member that has a membership ID can also have 3 guests at the same time.

  • I still have questions. Who can I contact?
    E-mail is the best way to contact us. We are all volunteers so please allow a day or two to get back to you.